28 August 2022 to 2 September 2022
Science and Technology Campus, University of Parma
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Registration and the Call for Abstracts now CLOSED. Paper submission for Conference Proceedings remains open until 5 September

Status of the Swiss Muon Source at PSI

30 Aug 2022, 15:50
Science and Technology Campus, University of Parma

Science and Technology Campus, University of Parma

University of Parma, Italy
Oral Facility reports Facility Updates


Thomas Prokscha (Paul Scherrer Institute)


The Laboratory for Muon Spin Spectroscopy (LMU) at PSI develops and operates the six muon instruments of the Swiss Muon Source (SμS). We give an overview of the current status, with an update on the commissioning of the new FLAME instrument and the upgrade plan of the μE4 beamline to increase the rate of low-energy muons by 50% in 2025. Furthermore, a new experimental facility is under development: the Muon-Induced-Xray-Emission (MIXE) instrument using negative muons for non-destructive, depth-selective elemental analysis of archeological artefacts, extraterrestrial samples and for operando studies of devices.

On a longer term, PSI is planning the major upgrade project IMPACT of the High-Intensity Proton Accelerator (HIPA). IMPACT ("Isotope and Muon Production using Advanced Cyclotron and Target technologies") aims for the production of radioactive isotopes for cancer diagnosis and therapy, and the installation of HIMB, the two "High Intensity Muon Beams". HIMB involves the replacement of the existing target M and the two beamlines πM1 and πM3 by a new target H with two very high-intensity surface muon beamlines μH2 and μH3 with muon rates up to 1010/s. This will offer unique new possibilities for muon applications [1]. Installation of this major facility upgrade is foreseen in a 1.5 years shutdown in 2027/2028. The project proposal is currently being under evaluation.

[1] M. Aiba et al., Science Case for the new High-Intensity Muon Beams HIMB at PSI, arXiv:2111.05788.

Primary author

Thomas Prokscha (Paul Scherrer Institute)

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