28 August 2022 to 2 September 2022
Science and Technology Campus, University of Parma
Europe/Rome timezone
Registration and the Call for Abstracts now CLOSED. Paper submission for Conference Proceedings remains open until 5 September

Searching for Spin Liquids in Buckled Compounds

1 Sep 2022, 10:00
Science and Technology Campus, University of Parma

Science and Technology Campus, University of Parma

University of Parma, Italy
Oral Spin liquids and related phenomena Oral contributions


Sarah Dunsiger (TRIUMF / Simon Fraser University)


The phrase ‘quantum spin liquid’ (QSL) refers to a system in which strong quantum fluctuations prevent long-range magnetic order from being established, even at temperatures well below any interaction energy scale. No spontaneous symmetry breaking is involved, nor a conventional local order parameter. Thus, it is not described using the Landau theory of phase transitions and constitutes a novel phase of matter. These systems exhibit a wealth of exotic phenomena like long-range entanglement and fractional quantum excitations, which are of fundamental interest but also hold great potential for quantum communication and computation.

Magnetic species decorating a two dimensional kagome lattice constitute the most heavily studied QSL candidates. Quantum fluctuations are prevalent due to geometrical magnetic frustration, low coordination number and quasi low dimensionality. Two particularly well-studied experimental realisations are volborthite, where it is believed spatial anisotropy plays an important role and herbertsmithite ZnCu$_3$(OH)$_6$Cl$_2$. However, the presence of excess Cu$^{2+}$ replacing the nonmagnetic Zn$^{2+}$ induces randomness in the magnetic exchange coupling, complicating explanations of the experimental observations.

Our focus is the investigation of a series of newly synthesised QSL candidates. The insulating materials YCu$_3$(OH)$_6$O$_x$Cl$_{3−x}$ (x = 0, 1/3) display a kapellasite-like structure and no sign of Cu/Y mixing from single crystal x-ray refinements. In the x = 0 compound, the kagome lattice is perfect; in the x = 1/3 compound, it is slightly buckled.
In Ba$_4$Ir$_3$O$_{10}$, Ir$^{4+}$(5d$^5$) ions form Ir$_3$O$_{12}$ trimers of three dimensional face-sharing IrO$_6$ octahedra, which are vertex-linked, forming wavelike 2D sheets. However, it is proposed that intra-trimer exchange is reduced and the lattice recombines into an array of coupled 1D chains with additional spins. As such, the compound is a candidate Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid (TLL) and presents a novel route to exploring quantum liquid behaviour. A muon spin relaxation investigation of these novel compounds is discussed.

Primary authors

Sarah Dunsiger (TRIUMF / Simon Fraser University) Dr Shayan Gheidi (Department of Physics, Simon Fraser University) Mae Abedi (Department of Physics, Simon Fraser University) Nasrin Azari (Department of Physics, Simon Fraser University) Gang Cao (University of Colorado) Mariah Goeks (Department of Physics, Simon Fraser University) Dr Bassam Hitti (TRIUMF) JiaWei Mei (Southern University of Science and Technology) Jeff Sonier (Simon Fraser University) Dr Shyam Sundar (Department of Physics, Simon Fraser University) Hengdi Zhao (University of Colorado)

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