7-9 September 2022
Cosener's House
Europe/London timezone

Examining the interactions of polyphenols with model bacterial and epithelial membranes

7 Sep 2022, 11:10
Cosener's House

Cosener's House

15-16 Abbey Cl, Abingdon, Oxfordshire, UK, OX14 3JD
Oral Presentation


Ryan Coones (University of Reading)


This work focuses on understanding interactions of polyphenolic compounds with model membrane systems. We selected a simple bacterial membrane model, a simple epithelial membrane model, and a complex epithelial membrane model (DOPC/DOPG (7:3), DOPC/DOPS (8:2), and DOPC/DOPS/Chol/SM (5:2:2:1) respectively). The interactions of these bilayers with three polyphenols, (-)-EGCg, Tellimagrandin I and Tellimagrandin II, were investigated. Membrane interactions were probed qualitatively using both ATR-FTIR and QCM-D. Neutron reflectometry was used to investigate the interactions that showed promise with the FTIR and QCM-D pre-characterisation by showing where the polyphenols reside in the membrane system post-interaction. These results take steps towards structurally understanding the lipid-polyphenol interactions, with the bacterial membrane model showing agreement with previously published NMR data. The interactions were consistent across membrane models given the polyphenol chemical structure.

Primary author

Ryan Coones (University of Reading)

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