28-30 April 2021
Warwick Conferences
Europe/London timezone

The UK Neutron and Muon Science and User Meeting will take place at Warwick University (Scarman House and The Slate) from Wednesday 28th April finishing on Friday 30th April 2021.  

Registration for the meeting is now open

• Wednesday 28th April (11.00 onwards) will be a day for students who use neutrons and muons in their work – a chance to meet other students, and to learn more about neutron and muon techniques, and about the research that fellow students are doing.

• Thursday 29th April (09.00 onwards) will be the main science day, split into five themes with talks on latest results from members of the community.

• Friday 30th April (09.00 – 13.00) will be a chance to hear about facility updates and other news of interest to ILL and ISIS users.

Registration is free to researchers at UK universities and ILL, and ISIS will also cover reasonable travel expenses for UK researchers and those from ILL to attend the meeting.

Registration will close on dd/mm/2021

We look forward to seeing you at Warwick in April.

Warwick Conferences
Warwick Conferences - Scarman House and The Slate http://www.warwickconferences.com/about-us/how-to-find-us